Creative Play and Podcast Network
Galaxy at War

Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
(Reposted from D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition)
It is that time again! #RPGADAY2024! We are huge long time fans of RPGaDAY2024 and this is its 11th year!
Its going to be a great month! We will be doing the normal prompt along with the alternate options on both the dnd journey of the fifth edition podcast as well as I'm going to do the Alt list on the creative play and podcast network podcast just to change things up some ;)
Check out where RPGADAY started at
The Walking Dead Universe RPG: GM Screen
EDGE Studio Star Wars Edge of The Empire Game Master's Kit
Dungeon Master's Screen Reincarnated (Dungeons & Dragons)
Our LinksCreative play and podcast
YouTube Channel details
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
(Reposted from D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition)
It is that time again! #RPGADAY2024! We are huge long time fans of RPGaDAY2024 and this is its 11th year!
Its going to be a great month! We will be doing the normal prompt along with the alternate options on both the dnd journey of the fifth edition podcast as well as I'm going to do the Alt list on the creative play and podcast network podcast just to change things up some ;)
Check out where RPGADAY started at
Galactic RPG, Dice Set
Our LinksCreative play and podcast
YouTube Channel details
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Our Force and Destiny game set in the Clone wars era!
Join us as the Astromech John Tomes, and the Younglings: Balin (Dan), Yalka'von (JJ), Darla (Duncan), and Ted'Na-ugent (Chris) head off into the pirate ship and save their captured Adults!
"You can make an Aim maneuver twice"
"Blowing you both up!"
"If people would write in Common"
"Their cutting us to ribbons"
"Wooah, and were moaning?"
"Don't do it Dan he's a Bitc....!"
"Despair is just Story!"
"Tommy's Back!"
"And that's why I ran to the grown ups!"
"The Story must be told!"
Help support the show at Support the Kickstarter and geta cool Tshirt!

Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
We actually get rolling at the 8 minute mark if you want to pass the chit chat getting their padawans ready.
Join us as the Astromech John Tomes, and the Younglings: Balin (Dan), Yalka'von (JJ), Darla (Duncan), and Ted'Na-ugent (Chris) head off into the pirate ship and save the crew, after disaster stuck in the pirates trap.
"Your three that you drop your lightsaber!""Fail, but three advantage!"
Help support the show at

Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Join Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (a new guy! Danza Dark) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiny, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check out our Season 3 Indigogo:

Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Sunday Aug 28, 2016
Join Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (a new guy! Danza Dark) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiny, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check out our Season 3 Indigogo:

Monday Jun 13, 2016
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Join Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (The Chadra fan Gunner Erdek Todek) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiny, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check us out at
"There's something missing on your Belt!"
"It's in the horrible range"
'She spent this entire game running!"
"....Fall to the dark side out of shear annoyance!"
Our youTube channel:

Monday May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
Join Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (The Chadra fan Gunner Erdek Todek) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiney, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check us out at
you can tell we all had a long work week since it too 3 minutes to remember were were last and you don't need the force to sense we all had long day at work before this midnight game session!
'I'll guard the rear!'
'Dispare is coming up already!'
'Jedi's don't have the best Skulduggery, right?'
Yes we were confused on our Star Trek movies order, i think you can sense we all had long days at work before this midnight game session!

Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
Join Dan (With a stand in Character for this session), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (The Chadra fan Gunner Erdek Todek) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiney, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check us out at
"Here we Go BOYS!'
'Sure Lets try that'
'Can't forget about 'my good Ol' Blue Die!'
'Because Yay Lightsabers!'
'...It started long ago in a ....'

Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
Join Dan (With a stand in Character for this session), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (The Chadra fan Gunner Erdek Todek) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiney, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check us out at
(JJ had the sniffles, Sorry)
Titter warning at the 39 minute mark, but its ok Jocelyn's not in the room!
"I got four Threat!!!"
"The astromech's been wiped!"