Creative Play and Podcast Network
Madame Askew

Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Thursday Jan 09, 2025
Who doesn't love Romance?
Rhoynish Turtle Conservation Society : Romancing the Skeptics
Recorded live at TusCon 51 11/10/2024 at 2 PM Sunday in the Terrace room.
Our Panelists: Tanya Gouchenour, Jen Senft, Ashley Smith, Madame Askew, ShelbyMcBride
Romance has long been maligned for a wide variety of reasons. Whetheryou’ve read and enjoyed this best-selling genre for years or are a recentconvert, clearly there are things to love.
Please see more of our Panelists:
Tanya Gouchenour Rhoynish Turtle Conservation Society
Jen Senft,
Rhoynish Turtle Conservation Society
Ashley Smith
Madame Askew
Shelby McBride
Owner and Photographer at Hip Pocket Creations by Shelby McBride
And as this is our last panel at TusCon a huge Thank you to the TusCon Board, Panelists, Volunteers, and fantastic Con Suite hosts!
Chek out more about TusCon at
Support the magic of TusCon by making a tax-deductible donation through our fiscal sponsor, Plumeria Global Education Group, a 501(c)(3) organization. Your generosity helps us continue to celebrate science fiction, fantasy, and horror, fostering creativity and community. Please note that 10% of your donation will remain with Plumeria to cover the costs of their sponsorship services, and you’ll receive a receipt for tax purposes at the end of the year.
🎙 Listen to the D&D Journey of the Fifth edition podcast:https://dndjourneyofthefifthedition.p... ...
🎙 Listen to the CPPN podcast: https://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork... ... 🎙 Listen to the Ragnarok & Roll, a Scion Hero to Ragnarok story podcast:
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Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
A Courtesy of Compliments: Compliment Dueling Panel Recorded live at Wild Wild West Con 12 at Casino Del Sol 4:00 PM › FRIDAY A Courtesy of Compliments: Compliment Duelling 4pm FRI • Ballroom E Madame Askew and The Grand Arbiter Whether it’s compliments at 50 paces, courtesies #comiccon #allthatsteam #cosplay #wwwc #cosplayers #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplayphotography #tuscon at dawn, or gallantry until first blush, Compliment Dueling has settled matters of honour, averted terrible strife and resulted in a few famous engagements. Join Madame Askew and The Grand Arbiter as they teach the ancient, honourable art of compliment dueling and host a small tourney. Follow Madame Askew and The Grand Arbiter on all the social media for her live streams, tutorials and shenanigans! / madameaskew / posts Thank you Wild Wild West Con Guests, Staff, Volunteers and Panelists for an amazing Con and weekend full of new and old friends and family! We love you guys! For more on WWWC check out: The Wild Wild West Con Community Facebook page / 273200786672134 The WWWC Facebook page / wildwildwestcon If your interested to get in the show next year please join the Wild Wild West Fashion Show group page at / 398630686888753 #Wwwc #Wwwc12 #Allthatsteam We are sooooo looking forward to WWWC13 , March 20th-23rd 2025! Tickets are already live at Please support our shows at / cppn and even join us in some games! Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel: / creativeplayandpodcast Also follow us on Facebook at / creativeplayandpodcastnetwork

Friday Jan 26, 2024
Friday Jan 26, 2024
TusCon 50 Panel Rhoynish Turtle Conservation Society: The Works and Worlds of Neil GaimanRecorded live 11/11/2023 Saturday – Panel Room 1 2:00 pm 3:00 pm
Step in between worlds with us as we discuss the extensive body of work created by Neil Gaiman. We’ll wax poetic over our favorite stories, share recommendations for new and old fans, talk about the worlds that exist that you can barely see from the corner of your eye and why Aziraphale & Crowley is one of the best ‘ships ever.
Jen Senft, Madame Askew, Tanya Gouchenour, Wendy Trakes
Jen Senft,
Rhoynish Turtle Conservation Society
Madame Askew
Tanya Gouchenour Rhoynish Turtle Conservation Society
Wendy Trakes
And a huge Thank you to the TusCon Board, Panelists, Volunteers, and fantastic Con Suite hosts! Chek out more about TusCon at
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Hosted by Madame Askew and the Grand Arbiter and Tucson Steampunk Society (TSS) clock. Apr 9 at 10:00 AM – Apr 11 at 11:00 PM MST."It is wonderful how vast and diverse our Steampunk community is."
Meet Steampunks from around the globe and spend a weekend with Madame Askew and the Grand Arbiter and their comrades in gears – the Tea Scouts, the Temporal Entourage, and the Tucson Steampunk Society – for a virtual convention full of panels, performances, and sundry adventures.
Registration is free and includes all panels and social events as well as access to the convention weekend discord. Links for panel and event Zoom channels as well as the Discord invitation will go directly to your registration email address by midnight Wednesday, April 7th.
Please see more at and

Friday Aug 14, 2020
Friday Aug 14, 2020
Kellie, Jocelynne and Evie rom the Lady Knights of Adventure join me today as we talk dice, 4th edition D&D and talk about the Banner of a year were having along with using your Covid 19 masks as banners!
Learn more about RPGaDay here:
Check out our #RPGaDay episodes here:
The CDC zombie pge we talked about
"Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? As it turns out what first began as a tongue-in-cheek campaign to engage new audiences with preparedness messages has proven to be a very effective platform. "
See more of Jocelynne over at Madame Askew's Temporal Entourage
See Evie awesome costumes over at Custom Characters, Inc.
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page:
Please follow along on Facebook at
And watch our Twitch channel at

Saturday Feb 29, 2020
Saturday Feb 29, 2020
***Please be warned the panelists are discussing very personal and sensitive subjects that may trigger some people***
Recorded at TusCon 46
Chronic physical and mental health challenges create special struggles and unique complications for costumers and other creatives. Finding tools and techniques to help balance artistic needs with the realities of these struggles requires ingenuity and understanding. Join these costumers as they discuss spoons and struggles in a creative life. With Wendy Trakes, Christin Pike, Madame Askew, Kellie Springer
Sadly the links to TusCon 46 have been taken down but the new TusCon website can be checked out HERE!Plus more to come for TusCon 46, please leave any questions you would have asked and at TusCon 47 I’ll make sure to ask!
If you enjoy our shows, please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
See our photos from TusCon here:

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Costuming is an art that not only allows costumers to celebrate their fandom, but for many cosplayers and fans, the costumes and the skills to create them are a source of empowerment. Join these costumers for a lively conversation about their own journeys in finding personal strength and fulfillment through their costuming art. With Jared Pike, Christin Pike, Madame Askew, Kellie Springer
Sadly the links to TusCon 46 have been taken down but the new TusCon website can be checked out HERE!
Plus more to come for TusCon 46, please leave any questions you would have asked and at TusCon 47 I’ll make sure to ask!
If you enjoy our shows, please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
See our photos from TusCon here:

Monday Dec 16, 2019
Monday Dec 16, 2019
At Cokocon 2019 we got to join Madame Askew, Hal C. F. Astell, Beth Cato, Christin Pike, and Jared Pike as they talk Steampunk.
What is it that makes steampunk a lasting trend? We’ll discuss... the evolution of Steampunk and how we see it in a few years; the literary and media side of steampunk; the commercial side of Steampunk; the splinter divisions of Steampunk; and more.
See more about the guests here:Madame Askew, Hal C. F. Astell, Beth Cato, Christin Pike, Jared Pike
See more of Madame Askew at
Find out more about CoKoCon here at
See more at
Our other podcast
And please listen and support us at
Follow us on Facebook at

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
This Tucson Comic con panel is for those overwhelmed by the possibilities at the heart of Steampunk costuming, Madame Askew and Temperance are both delighted to be your tour guides and good will ambassadors for this new costuming adventure.
See more of Madame Askew at and
We had a great time at Tucson Comic Con 2019! please check out more of the con with the panels we streamed on Twitch at
And all our podcast episodes from past and present Tucson Comic cons at
See more at other podcast please listen and support us at
#TucsonComicCon #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #comiccon #comics #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #comiccon #TucsonComiccon2019

Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
CoKoCon 2019 Panel Unwrapping the Victorian Lady
Friday night at CoKoCon 2019, NSFW and 18+, Costuming, Steampunk
Join Madame Askew and Kellie Springer as Madame Askew as she demystifies and defrocks the Victorian lady! Take her guided tour through the many layers of frocks, frills and foibles as she unveils the undergarments that make big bustle dreams come true.
Madame Askew is a time traveling tea aficionado, obsessed with fantastical, historical fashion and the proper uses for headgear. When Madame is not preoccupied with tea, she operates a small atelier where she creates fanciful bespoke garments, underpinnings and hats for delightful humans from the Steampunk set. Perhaps best known for her whimsical tea adventures with her partner, the Grand Arbiter, Madame is also delighted to teach sewing workshops and to host regular live sewing teatorials with her dear friend Temperance.
See more of Madame Askew at
Find out more about CoKoCon here at
See more at
Our other podcast
And please listen and support us at
Follow us on Facebook at