Creative Play and Podcast Network

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
At Wild Wild West Con 8 we got to listen in on a candid out of character panel with the wonderful Professor Elemental!
Professor Elemental addresses all your problems and solves them while he clarifies some Steampunk rumors!
Mind you this was recorded Friday March 8th outside at the Chapel at Old Tucson during Wild Wild West Con 8.
Also hear important answers like what its like to perform in other counties and the Professors favorite adult beverage.
Find more Professor Elemental over at
Find out more of our favorite Steampunk convention over at
And find all our Wild Wild West panel coverage through the years at
See our video of the Wild Wild West Con 8 Steampunk Fashion Show at
and our video of the Wild Wild West Con 8 Steampunk Costume Contest at
Plus more to come for Wild Wild West Con8!If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
#RPGaDay2018 August 12th Wildest Character Concept
I feel kind of mild in this answer today! But check out our Mercs: a Galaxy of Destruction, Star Wars group for some wild ones!
Learn more about RPGaDay here:
Check out our #RPGaDay2017 and #RPGaDay2016 episodes here!
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page: Follow along on Facebook at And Twitch at

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
The Tea Scouts want you to join the fight against bad tea! Learn how to prepare tea in the field & the best way to pack an emergency tea kit. Come meet these veteran Tea Matrixes to learn more about this noble organization.
Greetings and Salutations! Welcome to the Tea Scouts, a non-profit group of tea enthusiasts from around the globe. This benevolent group is led by the Tea Scout Matrixes - each Matrix has their own area of expertise:
Madame Askew - Ring LeaderGrand Arbiter - FlirtationEvie - The Super Scout Pepper - The LibrarianThelonius Rex - AlchemyTemperance - HaberdasheryThaddeus - Game Master Minerva - NavigatrixAndie - LogisticsGodzilla - Kaiju
See more fun and shenanagins from Wild Wild West Con at
Check out our Kickstarter here:
Please support our show at
Thank you to the panelists, volunteers, and the wonderful Wild Wild West con staff and directors!

Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Just a quick episode today with some of our updates!
Please let usknow what you thing on our Facebook page.
Here'ss some of the things I mentioned:
Wild West Con:Our Favorite Steampunk Convention!
here's wheere we keep all our WWWC panel episodes:
Coriolis - The Third Horizon core book From Modiphius I'll be posting a review shortly!You can check out the free quick start at DrivethruRPG here:
And the core book here:
“I’m getting a signal.” Dalil’s voice crackled over the com. “We’re close.” The navigator gazed into the darkness ahead, his face ghostly pale in the cold glow from the tabula in his hands.Radwa nodded silently for her comrades to advance, approaching the strange ruins in the moonscape. The only sound they could hear was their own breathing through the air filters, and the soft crunch under their boots.The floodlights from the freighter Narzalus behind them cast long shadows of the trio.“Something is wrong, boss.” The sharp voice of Jhara broke the silence. Her vulcan rifle hummed as the tall woman from Sadaal activated her weapon. Without turning, Radwa raised her hand to still her friend.“Easy, Jha,” she whispered over the com.The explorers shone their suit-mounted flashlights over the ruins. Alien signs were carved into the smooth dark surfaces. In the light, they seemed to be glowing.Something slowly unraveled before them. A darkness rose from the surface of the dead moon, reaching towards the starry sky above them.“Mercy of the Icons!” Radwa gasped, and felt a chill spread throughout her body.Coriolis – The Third Horizon is a science fiction role-playing game from the makers of critically acclaimed Mutant: Year Zero (six-time nominee and winner of a Silver Ennie for Best Rules 2015).Features:•Create your unique player character – including skills, talents, gear and relationships – in mere minutes.•Fight fast and furious battles, praying to the Icons to overcome your enemies.•Build and crew your own spaceship, to explore the many star systems of the Third Horizon.•Experience thrilling spaceship duels, using a game system that puts all player characters at the heart of the action.•Take part in the intrigue between powerful factions on the majestic space station Coriolis.•Uncover the mysteries of the Third Horizon, a rich tapestry of cultures that have settled the stars.“The game's authors describe it as ‘Arabian Nights in space’ and it fulfills that brief marvelously. Style 5/5, Substance 5/5.”– RPG.NET Review
Genesys Core Rulebook From Fantasy Flight GamesFace down a dragon as a brave knight, hack into a corporate security system as an elite runner, set sail in your airship. Unlimited adventure awaits you in Genesys, a new roleplaying system designed for a variety of settings and limited only by your imagination.The Genesys experience begins with the Genesys Core Rulebook, which features an explanation of the innovative narrative dice system and core mechanics of the game, an overview of five different settings in which to place campaigns, and advice for Game Masters to craft a myriad of adventures with unparalleled freedom.This is where I got my copy:
Please support our show at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?Join our conversation here:

Monday Aug 07, 2017
Monday Aug 07, 2017
Follow our team Sweet Baby Tesla (SBT)

Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Lady Satori choose well! Wow these guys are scoundrels!
We wrap up the game session and spend a little experience.
A Bothan Splicer, A reprogrammed B-1 battle droid and a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter walked into a game store... Ok so it was the Toydarion markets on the Smugglers moon!
MK-2BD -- the Battle droid Hired Gun, Heavy.
Grendu Koskit’Sil – the Bothan Slicer.
Oskara – the Twi’lek Bounty Hunter.
This is our new Weekly One shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store!
Our Poll for the next episodes

Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
This March 3rd-5th at Old Tucson Studios!
what panels would you like us to cover?

Saturday Feb 04, 2017
Saturday Feb 04, 2017
Thank you to all our supporters!you all allow us to do wht we love to do!Our awesome Kickstarter and Indigogo supportersTexas Hold'em with ZOMBIESJune ChaseJocelynne WeathersAaron HalfordJesus E ArrietaChristopher OnstadChris McCartyJC SpearsThank You to our Patrons!Thank you for all those folks who help keep us making more episodes and keeping the fun rolling! OnstadChris McCartyMark KadowLaura Yogi BetzDebra Hoenig ParizekJosiah HigginsonJudi MartinMiladyFairFrank PowersJocelynne SimoneDaniel McCabeJaron JaegerJames E SpringerKellie Springer

Friday Dec 23, 2016
Friday Dec 23, 2016
Our 12 days of D&D Christmas from last year for those that may have missed it onD&D Journey of the fifth edition!
We were listening to Christmas songs on the radio and thought to bring this one back out from last year. Any suggestions for a holiday song for us to make?

Friday Aug 26, 2016