Creative Play and Podcast Network
Tucson Comic con

Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Thursday Sep 26, 2024
Join the Arizona Browncoats as they take a look at the cultural importance of the Space Western genre, exploring where it came from, how it has affected modern media, and where we see the genre going in the future.
Zach Hoyt, Megan Hall and ME! (James Springer) as we take Old West and Sci Fi!
The Arizona Browncoats, legally Arizona Browncoats, Inc, are a fan-club and cosplay organization that has grown into a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. Brought together by our love of the television show Firefly, we aim to do good works in our local community and throughout the ‘Verse, partnering with charities and local businesses to host fundraisers and other events while making friends along the way.
Originally the name given to soldiers who fought against the Alliance in the Unification War, the term Browncoat is now used to describe Firefly fans around the world. The Arizona Browncoats host events, often called shindigs, that are typically family-friendly occasions where fans of the show and like-minded folk get together to socialize with one another. We also hold fundraising events, attend conventions, and participate in other shiny gatherings.
Come check out one of our shindigs in Phoenix or Tucson or join us at an upcoming event!
Need to get in touch with us? Email us at and we'll get back to you!
If you're interested in having us appear at an event, please reach out to our Events Director at
Find the Arizona Browncoats online at Firefly | Arizona Browncoats (
On Facebook at Arizona Browncoats | Facebook
And a HUGE Thank You to the fantastic Staff, Volunteers, Panelists, Fam Groups and Vendors who made Tucson Comic Con one of my favorite conventions!
Chack out our previous years at Tucson Comic con Here:
#Tucsoncomiccon | Creative Play and Podcast Network (
Please check out all the awesome stuff over at Tucson Comic Con site and social media:
The Awesome list of Vendors at Tucson Comic Con this year:
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at
Thank you Tucson Comic con and RinCon for an awesome weekend!!!!

Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Tucson Comic Con 2024 Panel Narrative Role-Playing Games - A New Genre? Panelists: Becca Aazlor, Clayton Aazlor, Kirsten AazlorRecorded live at Tucson Comic Con Saturday August 31, 2024 :: 11:20 am to 12:10 pm
There has always been a massive divide between the kind of role one takes on in a video game or table top roleplaying game (TTRPG), and the kind of role one takes on when imagining and playing make-believe with friends as children. While D&D and many other systems try and bridge this divide, the problem is simply that the perspective of TTRPGs has always been mechanic first and narrative second. We don't have to play this way. Come and check out Transcendence. The first of its kind, this narrative RPG system has developed a set of mechanics to support your imagination. It's an entirely new system and approach that will change more than just how you game with friends. Be warned though - this game isn't made for everyone. Transcendence, and this panel, is for those who constantly feel stifled and wish for something truly new. If you find yourself intrigued come and get a free e-copy of the Transcendence Core Rulebook!
TranscendencE RPG Core Rulebook can be found at
To contact the Funism crew please reach out to them at
And a HUGE Thank You to the fantastic Staff, Volunteers, Panelists, Fam Groups and Vendors who made Tucson Comic Con one of my favorite conventions!
Chack out our previous years at Tucson Comic con Here:
#Tucsoncomiccon | Creative Play and Podcast Network (
Please check out all the awesome stuff over at Tucson Comic Con site and social media:
The Awesome list of Vendors at Tucson Comic Con this year:
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at
Thank you Tucson Comic con and RinCon for an awesome weekend!!!!

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
As creators, we want our finished works to be masterful. But what happens when they're not? And what if we enjoy the works of others that aren't masterpieces, either—what does that say about us? Come learn with a panel of professional Tucson-based comics and fiction writers why making (and enjoying) bad art is okay (or even good!), and come share some of your favorite examples in media.
Mira Domsky
Please follow Mira and see her art at
Monica Friedman
Please follow Monica Here:
and HERE:
KJ Kabza
Please see his Auther page on Amazon:
Recorded live at Tucson Comic-Con on Saturday afternoon.
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
The history of disabilities and how it influences modern day society is quite interesting. From freak shows, mental institutions, court jesters, and crazy inventions. Come join us for a history lesson at the start of the journey to modern ableism. I hope you enjoy this informative panel hosted by Marlene Kammueller (A.S.G.A.R.D.)and Sterling Silverman (Lady Wheelsworth)
Asgard and Lady Wheelsworth
The Asgardians facebook group
Recorded live at Tucson Comic-Con on Friday night.
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Tucson Comic Con 2023 Growing up Gygax - Presented by Amazing Discoveries
Luke Gygax, the son of Dungeons & Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax, is a big name in the tabletop RPG scene in his own right. Learn from Luke what it was like to grow up as the son of a legendary game co-creator and the current happenings of his publishing company Gaxxworx. Presented by Amazing Discoveries.
Recorded live at Tucson Comic-Con
A picture from our Private D&D with Luke Gygax!
Eye of Chentoufi - D&D 5E with Luke Gygax - Presented by Amazing Discoveries Saturday September 2, 2023 :: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Thursday Sep 22, 2022
Enjoy the Tucson Comic Con 2022 Panel Star Wars Costuming Groups: Who We Are, What We Do, and How to Join!
Hosted by Scott Woodworth and many amazingly talented Cosplayers and makers of the4 501st!
Join in on the brief explanation of the various Star Wars costuming groups in the local Arizona 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, The Dark Empire, Droid Builders, and Galactic Academy - which costumes and factions they support, what kind of events they participate in. We'll also explain how to join a club!
501st legion Arizona:
Rebel Legion
Mandalorian Mercs
The Dark Empire
Droid Builders
Galactic Academy
You can find all our past and present Tucson Comic con episodes here:
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at
Thank you Tucson Comic con and RinCon for an awesome weekend!!!!

Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Anyone can Cosplay and why not the whole family! Why not include everyone in the family for the fun of cosplay?
Join our Guests Barbara Cluck, Joe Cluck and Weldon Cluck of Found Objects Cosplay as they talk about the joys of Cosplay as a family.
Find out more of Found Object Cosplay at
"Have some quality family time with the Kids"
(Images loading soon and posted on The Facebook page)
We had a great time at Tucson Comic Con 2019! please check out more of the con with the panels we streamed on Twitch at
And all our podcast episodes from past and present Tucson Comic cons at
See more at other podcast please listen and support us at
#TucsonComicCon #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #comiccon #comics #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #comiccon #TucsonComiccon2019

Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Want to Increase your like and follows, make new friends and play with toys! Check out this informative panel by Max Ellentuck
Follow him online at
(Images loading soon and posted on The Facebook page)
We had a great time at Tucson Comic Con 2019! please check out more of the con with the panels we streamed on Twitch at
And all our podcast episodes from past and present Tucson Comic cons at
See more at other podcast please listen and support us at
#TucsonComicCon #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #comiccon #comics #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #comiccon #TucsonComiccon2019

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
This Tucson Comic con panel is for those overwhelmed by the possibilities at the heart of Steampunk costuming, Madame Askew and Temperance are both delighted to be your tour guides and good will ambassadors for this new costuming adventure.
See more of Madame Askew at and
We had a great time at Tucson Comic Con 2019! please check out more of the con with the panels we streamed on Twitch at
And all our podcast episodes from past and present Tucson Comic cons at
See more at other podcast please listen and support us at
#TucsonComicCon #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #comiccon #comics #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #comiccon #TucsonComiccon2019

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Have you ever wanted to turn your cosplay hobby into a profession? Enjoy this insider look and panel by Superheroes Unlimited discusses how to operate as a cosplay business at a professional level, and get tip on important things such as personal marketing, social media, industry networking, booking conventions, etc.
Check out more about this awesome Cosplay group at:
We had a great time at Tucson Comic Con 2019! please check out more of the con with the panels we streamed on Twitch at
And all our podcast episodes from pastand present Tucson Comic cons at
See more at other podcast please listen and support us at
#TucsonComicCon #cosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #comiccon #comics #cosplayers #cosplayphotography #comiccon #TucsonComiccon2019