Creative Play and Podcast Network

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
From Meeting new gamers at cons to online game meet ups Kellie and I lov to meet and game!
Learn more about RPGaDay here:
Checkout more of UK Games Expo this August 21st-23rd, where I'll be running some sessions of Urban Shadows
Find out more about RinCon Games at:
Check out our #RPGaDay episodes here:
Keep an eye out on our Patreon page:
Please follow along on Facebook at
And watch our Twitch channel at

Monday Feb 11, 2019
Monday Feb 11, 2019
Pull up a chair, there's room at the table for everyone. Hear from an array of women's voices in the world and industry of games: BG and RPG design, event coordination, web content, and… well, sitting at the gaming table.
This was a great Panel at Rincon last October in 2018, check out more at our favorite gaming Con at
The wonderful panelists:
Karen ArnoldEwing, RinCon Chair
Marissa Kelly
Sarah Reed, Board Game Designer at
I'm an avid board game fanatic and married to an amazing LEGO builder named Will. These two hobbies keep us busy and fill our house to the brim. We run a local board game designer group in Sacramento, California. We have designed and published two board games so far, Project Dreamscape and Oaxaca: Crafts of a Culture. I'm a huge supporter of Kickstarter board game projects and am active on Twitter, encouraging other people in the hobby to have fun and pursue their passions. I also created the play 10 board games 10 times challenge on
Kat Rider, Live Host & Content Creator at
Steve Jackson Games Live Host. Director and Producer of GloryHoundd Productions Videocast Series, Gaming Addict, Professional Game Demonstrator, Entertainer, Writer.
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
This was a great Panel at Rincon last October in 2018, A discussion with an expert panel of vloggers and streamers on how to ensure that your content is relevant, engaging, and authentic.
Check out our favorite gaming Con at
Kat RiderLive Host, Content Creator, GloryHoundd Productions
Steve Jackson Games Live Host. Director and Producer of GloryHoundd Productions Videocast Series, Gaming Addict, Professional Game Demonstrator, Entertainer, Writer.
Todd VanHooserCreator of Laughing Moon Productions
I am an Arizona-based author with Midwestern roots. In addition to being a writer I have also designed Adventures Under the Laughing Moon—a tabletop role-playing game based on my fantasy series and set in the world of Mythren. This is a world I have been developing for more than twenty years with rich characters, compelling conflicts and a long history with many footprints in the sand. Over the years, this series has expanded to include novels, short stories, comic books, and original character and creature designs showcased at pop culture and comic conventions. I love the interactive and creative atmosphere of tabletop game play, and I thoroughly enjoy seeing these characters and creatures brought to life through photography and cosplay. My latest project is a tabletop RPG called Wheelhouse. This game offers both new and veteran players a glimpse into the apocalyptic future of the Laughing Moon world and provides a whole new context for storytelling and adventures.
Brandish GilhelmRat Man, Runehammer Games
I am the author and rat-catcher behind RUNEHAMMER, Drunkens & Dragons, RPG Mainframe Podcast and the ICRPG game system. Before I join Dagon in the watery tombs, I will dream with men and wizards...
Robert Montano & Vanessa FitzsimmonsCreators of Late to the Party
Content creator for Late to the Party on Youtube. LTTP is a fellowship of movie fans that came together through time and space to get in on the online "party" through reaction videos, reviews and vlogs.
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Friday Aug 04, 2017
Friday Aug 04, 2017
After I Answer The Lady Knights of Adventure give it a go!
#RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
How do you find out about new Role Playing Games?
RINCON Gaming convention Sept FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2017 – SUNDAY OCTOBER 1, 2017
See more at
Our other podcast
And please listen and support us at

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
At RinCon we had a blasting getting to play Savage Rifts with Sean Patrick Fannon himself! it was a great adventure and we had a blast trying out the new rules for an old favorite setting!
this is what we drove to...
and once were getting mixed up!
Here's my charater

Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
At RinCon we had a blasting getting to play Savage Rifts with Sean Patrick Fannon himself! it was a great adventure and we had a blast trying out the new rules for an old favorite setting!
this is what we drove to...
and once were getting mixed up!
Join Sean, Clay, David, Robert, Micheal and I as we step throught the Rift!
A large troupe of demons are amok in an area protected by the Tomorrow Legion, and someone needs to deal with them. The team is dispatched eastward from Castle Refuge to the area where reports last came from regarding them, with the mission to track and destroy the monsters. Two destroyed villages later, the heroes are on the trail of the beasts, and ultimately, they come upon a third community under attack. Grotesque, classic bat-winged demons are tearing the place apart, accompanied by some Brodkil who've decided to join the fun... Poor Harry Mayborn III wanted to be a Techno-Wizard, but his father was having none of it. Now he's in the middle of something terrible, and the Tomorrow Legion may be his only hope of fixing it. "
Here's my charater

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
At RinCon we had a blasting getting to play Savage Rifts with Sean Patrick Fannon himself! it was a great adventure and we had a blast trying out the new rules for an old favorite setting!
Join Sean, Clay, David, Robert, Micheal and I as we step throught the Rift!
A large troupe of demons are amok in an area protected by the Tomorrow Legion, and someone needs to deal with them. The team is dispatched eastward from Castle Refuge to the area where reports last came from regarding them, with the mission to track and destroy the monsters. Two destroyed villages later, the heroes are on the trail of the beasts, and ultimately, they come upon a third community under attack. Grotesque, classic bat-winged demons are tearing the place apart, accompanied by some Brodkil who've decided to join the fun... Poor Harry Mayborn III wanted to be a Techno-Wizard, but his father was having none of it. Now he's in the middle of something terrible, and the Tomorrow Legion may be his only hope of fixing it. "

Friday Jul 22, 2016
Friday Jul 22, 2016
RinCon 2016 Fundraiser #2
Saturday, July 16th, 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
We had a great time at the July RinCon 2016 Fundraiser #2: Kids Track and Open Gaming gathering!
We got to play and Review some fun games we've never gotten to play!

Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
RinCon 2015 in Review: Real play session Chrono Capers- Prime Time Adventures! Part: Three, The Finale.
If you have ever seen or heard of a "television set" then you are overqualified to be a top notch television writer and actor! Join a RinCon tradition with the latest edition of Primetime Adventures - create the latest hit show at the table in collaboration with your fellow players: Chrono Capers!
GM'ed by the awesome Jason Corley!

Monday Nov 09, 2015
Monday Nov 09, 2015
If you have ever seen or heard of a "television set" then you are overqualified to be a top notch television writer and actor! Join a RinCon tradition with the latest edition of Primetime Adventures - create the latest hit show at the table in collaboration with your fellow players: Chrono Capers!
GM'ed by the awesome Jason Corley!
"Ex wives!"