Creative Play and Podcast Network

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
(Reposted from D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition)
It is that time again! #RPGADAY2024! We are huge long time fans of RPGaDAY2024 and this is its 11th year!
Its going to be a great month! We will be doing the normal prompt along with the alternate options on both the dnd journey of the fifth edition podcast as well as I'm going to do the Alt list on the creative play and podcast network podcast just to change things up some ;)
Check out where RPGADAY started at
Our picks for RPG with 'Good Form'
Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos (D&D/MTG Adventure Book) (Dungeons & Dragons)
Evil Hat Productions Fate Core System
The Webtool Rules
Our Links
Creative play and podcast
YouTube Channel details
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Reposted from D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition
It is that time again! #RPGADAY2024! We are huge long time fans of RPGaDAY2024 and this is its 11th year!
Its going to be a great month! We will be doing the normal prompt along with the alternate options on both the dnd journey of the fifth edition podcast as well as I'm going to do the Alt list on the creative play and podcast network podcast just to change things up some ;)
Check out where RPGADAY started at
The Spies, Lies and Blaster bolts crew got to do RPGaDAY 2024 before we got gaming today! Here are our picks:
Root: The RPG -
Fudge, 10th Anniversary Edition -
Cypher System Rulebook -
Cypher System Unmasked -
Old Gods of Appalachia Role Playing Game -
Bully Pulpit Games: Fiasco Role Playing Game -
Free League Publishing Dragonbane: RPG Core Set -
Our Links
Creative play and podcast
YouTube Channel details
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
(Reposted from D&D Journey of the Fifth Edition)
It is that time again! #RPGADAY2024! We are huge long time fans of RPGaDAY2024 and this is its 11th year!
August the 5th RPG with Great Writing!
Its going to be a great month! We will be doing the normal prompt along with the alternate options on both the dnd journey of the fifth edition podcast as well as I'm going to do the Alt list on the creative play and podcast network podcast just to change things up some ;)
Check out where RPGADAY started at
Dresden Files RPG: Core Rulebook Volume 1 - Your Story by Leonard Balsera (27-Jul-2010) HardcoverAmazon link
Dresden Files RPG: Your Story For FateFrom Evil Hat ProductionsPDF at
Dresden Files RPG: Your Story, Our World [BUNDLE] For Fate From Evil Hat ProductionsPDF at
Planegea CoverCover Art: Anna Podedworna
(If you want to see can't see the art in The Star-Shaman's Song of Planegea, please go to )
The Star-Shaman's Song of Planegea Hardcover – January 1, 2023
The Star-Shaman's Song of Planegea PDF at
Planegea is primal fantasy roleplaying, in the first and wildest of all worlds, where the planes of existence have not yet separated.
If you're looking to pick up a copy please use our affiliate links: The Star-Shaman's Song of Planegea Hardcover at Amazon:
The Planegea GM Screen at Amazon:
The Star-Shaman's Song of Planegea Digital copy at DriveThruRPG:
The Star-Shaman's Song of Planegea Echoes of Planegea (Planegea) adventures at DriveThruRPG:
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games! Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at
-- Watch live at

Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
We get to sit down with Daniel M. Davis of Steam Crow and the Monster Rangers and get to talk about his Monster Rangers RPG and successful current Kickstarter.
This tabletop roleplaying game (ttrpg) features Monster Rangers - kind of like adult boy/girl Scouts - who BELIEVE, STUDY, and PROTECT OUR MONSTER FRIENDS.
Set in 1913 in an alternative United States of Liberty, the RANGERS deal with VILE CULTISTS, WILD AND DANGEROUS MONSTERS (who don't want to be saved), and EVIL MONSTEROLOGISTS who seek to command their monster magiks.
Please follow the Moster Ranger and SteamCrow community at:
Please join in the Kickstarter here: Monster Rangers RPG by Steam Crow — Kickstarter
Fate is an award winning ttrpg that is story centric, and great for pulp. We use it as our house system for everything we run here at Steam Crow HQ, so it was clear that we should use FATE for this game.
Pay what you want for Fate pdf here. We also recommend the Fate SRD site for a free online game reference.
While the MRRPG is described in FATE RPG terms, it is largely system agnostic; 95% of the game is explaining the setting, the Monster Ranger Branches, and their foes.
If you want to use a different game system, go for it!
#Faterpg #MosterRangers #Steamcrow #RPG #TabletopRPG
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Thursday Oct 20, 2022
Here's a Kickstarter we definitely want to see happen!
Fear of the Unknown - Zero Prep Horror Mystery Roleplaying, I mean as a Game master you had me at Zero prep!
I got to sit down and chat with Thomas at Sixpence games for their upcoming Kickstarter and RPG: Fear of the Unknown a zero prep horror RPG!
This really is a fun and very fluid RPG to pick up and play with friends with honestly no Prep! Please join me in backing this Kickstarter.
The Kickstarter is HERE!
The free Quick-Start is HERE on DriveThruRPG!
Here are the Sixpence social media link to Facebook , Twitter and the Discord channel is HERE!
Definitely check out the Discord and see if you can get into a game!
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Miskatonic University The Freshmen scooby squad Session 3 of Taxidermy and Hellmouths
Our third and final episode of Miskatonic University!
*Adult language and Cthulhu inspired shenanigans inside*
Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG set in our Miskatonic University meet Buffy one shot game, this is where our three players make their characters!
As the episode begins, the players and some NPCs are sent to Detention on suspicion that they might know something about the theft or misplacement of an Occult book. It’s up to the players to sneak out, unravel the mystery, and hopefully stop bad things before it’s too late…
Our Players/Setting Guide is here:
Session 0 is here:
This is our session 0 where we cover the basic rules of the Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG’s character creation as well as some setting background.
Miskatonic University is a fictional university located in Arkham, a fictional town in Essex County, Massachusetts. It is named after the Miskatonic River (also fictional). After first appearing in H. P. Lovecraft's 1922 story "Herbert West–Reanimator", the school appeared in numerous Cthulhu Mythos stories by Lovecraft and other writers.
Our Cast:
Ichabod, our half demon.
Lupe, changeling with the devil’s luck
Karin, the sensible finder
“Put down the cell phone…”
“I’m gonna need blackmail, I need a lot of blackmail…”
“I’m clumsy but I can get through.”
“…a swirling portal.”
“I hope you got everything…”
“Ok we got this…”
Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
*Adult language and Cthulhu inspired shenanigans inside*Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG set in our Miskatonic University meet Buffy one shot game, this is where our three players make their characters!As the episode begins, the players and some NPCs are sent to Detention on suspicion that they might know something about the theft or misplacement of an Occult book. It’s up to the players to sneak out, unravel the mystery, and hopefully stop bad things before it’s too late…Our Players/Setting Guide is here: 0 is here: is our session 0 where we cover the basic rules of the Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG’s character creation as well as some setting background. Miskatonic University is a fictional university located in Arkham, a fictional town in Essex County, Massachusetts. It is named after the Miskatonic River (also fictional). After first appearing in H. P. Lovecraft's 1922 story "Herbert West–Reanimator", the school appeared in numerous Cthulhu Mythos stories by Lovecraft and other writers.Our Cast: Ichabod, our half demon.Lupe, changeling with the devil’s luckKarin, the sensible finder
“I’m going to be sneaky!” Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel: you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?Part Three the conclusion will be posted later this week

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
*Adult language and Cthulhu inspired shenanigans inside*
Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG set in our Miskatonic University meet Buffy one shot game, this is where our three players make their characters!
As the episode begins, the players and some NPCs are sent to Detention on suspicion that they might know something about the theft or misplacement of an Occult book. It’s up to the players to sneak out, unravel the mystery, and hopefully stop bad things before it’s too late…
Our Players/Setting Guide is here:
Session 0 is here:
This is our session 0 where we cover the basic rules of the Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG’s character creation as well as some setting background.
Miskatonic University is a fictional university located in Arkham, a fictional town in Essex County, Massachusetts. It is named after the Miskatonic River (also fictional). After first appearing in H. P. Lovecraft's 1922 story "Herbert West–Reanimator", the school appeared in numerous Cthulhu Mythos stories by Lovecraft and other writers.
Our Cast:
Ichabod, our half demon.
Lupe, changeling with the devil’s luck
Karin, the sensible finder
“There’s something…on the other side!”
“Chalk is a thing!”
“Locks have never, really stopped me.”
“YA! I got worse.”
“Aspect of: The Student Newspaper!”
“I’m going to be sneaky!” Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?
Part Two and Three the conclusion will be posted next week