Creative Play and Podcast Network
real play

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
#RPGaDay2021 August the 18th Write
This years table has selectable prompts for you to pick or you can roll a dice and play!
Remember these are fun prompts to let you look back on games of years past and things
you want to play in the future.
Please join in with us as we play around with RPGaDay this August, and please follow
along at and the #RPGaDay Facebook page for the blogging extravaganza!
Remember to use #RPGaDay2021 when you blog, vlog, draw, podcast or livestream!
As well as please comment, like and subscribe to those who post.
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
#RPGaDay2021 August the 2nd Map
This years table has selectable prompts for you to pick or you can roll a dice and play!
Remember these are fun prompts to let you look back on games of years past and things
you want to play in the future.
Please join in with us as we play around with RPGaDay this August, and please follow
along at and the #RPGaDay Facebook page for the blogging extravaganza!
Remember to use #RPGaDay2021 when you blog, vlog, draw, podcast or livestream!
As well as please comment, like and subscribe to those who post.
Please support our shows at and even join us in some games!Also keep an eye at the new things on our now affiliated Twitch channel:
Also follow us on Facebook at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join? Email us at
positivity and the love of gaming!

Thursday Jan 09, 2020
Thursday Jan 09, 2020
One Shot of Realms of Terrinoth part Two of Three: How Flammable is the inn
Our heroes ride into the town of Mud Wallow to put down a vile Necromance...
“We lost our scoundrel and we have a baby, I’m sure his hat will fit!”
“How Flammable is the inn?”
“Baby, ritual, sacrifice, necromancer…”
“Synchronized looting…”
The Finale will be getting posted on our new regular uploading date, Thursdays on 1/9/2020.
Terrinoth is a world of forgotten fantasy and lost legacies. Once ruled by the Elder Kings who called upon mighty magics to perform great deeds and work marvels, the land has suffered greatly at the hands of its three great foes from the undead armies to the terrifying dragons of the Molten Heath. Many of its great cities have been cast down into ruins, and many wondrous secrets and powerful artifacts have been lost.
For hundreds of years, Terrinoth slipped into gloom and decay. But heroes arise just when their lands need them the most. Courageous adventurers brave the ruins of past ages and the foul creatures within to uncover the treasures of their ancestors. The Daqan Barons, inheritors of the ancient kingdoms, rebuild their walls and muster their armies, while the wizards of Greyhaven gather runes of power to awaken guardians of stone and steel. These preparations come none too soon, for the ancient enemies of the lawful races are stirring again, and Terrinoth needs champions of courage and cunning to stand against the rising darkness.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to offer Realms of Terrinoth, a new sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System! You can pre-order your copy today from your local retailer their website!
Check out the pregen characters they are playing provided by Fantasy Flight Games HERE.
Check out the books here:
Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
One Shot of Realms of Terrinoth part Two of Three: How Flammable is the inn
Our heroes ride into the town of Mud Wallow to put down a vile Necromance...
“We lost our scoundrel and we have a baby, I’m sure his hat will fit!”
“How Flammable is the inn?”
“Baby, ritual, sacrifice, necromancer…”
“Synchronized looting…”
The Finale will be getting posted on our new regular uploading date, Thursdays on 1/9/2020.
Terrinoth is a world of forgotten fantasy and lost legacies. Once ruled by the Elder Kings who called upon mighty magics to perform great deeds and work marvels, the land has suffered greatly at the hands of its three great foes from the undead armies to the terrifying dragons of the Molten Heath. Many of its great cities have been cast down into ruins, and many wondrous secrets and powerful artifacts have been lost.
For hundreds of years, Terrinoth slipped into gloom and decay. But heroes arise just when their lands need them the most. Courageous adventurers brave the ruins of past ages and the foul creatures within to uncover the treasures of their ancestors. The Daqan Barons, inheritors of the ancient kingdoms, rebuild their walls and muster their armies, while the wizards of Greyhaven gather runes of power to awaken guardians of stone and steel. These preparations come none too soon, for the ancient enemies of the lawful races are stirring again, and Terrinoth needs champions of courage and cunning to stand against the rising darkness.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to offer Realms of Terrinoth, a new sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System! You can pre-order your copy today from your local retailer their website!
Check out the pregen characters they are playing provided by Fantasy Flight Games HERE.
Check out the books here:
Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
One Shot of Realms of Terrinoth part One of Three: Big damn heroes
Our heroes ride into the town of Mud Wallow to put down a vile Necromance...
Terrinoth is a world of forgotten fantasy and lost legacies. Once ruled by the Elder Kings who called upon mighty magics to perform great deeds and work marvels, the land has suffered greatly at the hands of its three great foes from the undead armies to the terrifying dragons of the Molten Heath. Many of its great cities have been cast down into ruins, and many wondrous secrets and powerful artifacts have been lost.
For hundreds of years, Terrinoth slipped into gloom and decay. But heroes arise just when their lands need them the most. Courageous adventurers brave the ruins of past ages and the foul creatures within to uncover the treasures of their ancestors. The Daqan Barons, inheritors of the ancient kingdoms, rebuild their walls and muster their armies, while the wizards of Greyhaven gather runes of power to awaken guardians of stone and steel. These preparations come none too soon, for the ancient enemies of the lawful races are stirring again, and Terrinoth needs champions of courage and cunning to stand against the rising darkness.
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to offer Realms of Terrinoth, a new sourcebook for the Genesys Roleplaying System! You can pre-order your copy today from your local retailer their website!
Check out the pregen characters they are playing provided by Fantasy Flight Games HERE.
Check out the books here:
Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Miskatonic University The Freshmen scooby squad Session 3 of Taxidermy and Hellmouths
Our third and final episode of Miskatonic University!
*Adult language and Cthulhu inspired shenanigans inside*
Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG set in our Miskatonic University meet Buffy one shot game, this is where our three players make their characters!
As the episode begins, the players and some NPCs are sent to Detention on suspicion that they might know something about the theft or misplacement of an Occult book. It’s up to the players to sneak out, unravel the mystery, and hopefully stop bad things before it’s too late…
Our Players/Setting Guide is here:
Session 0 is here:
This is our session 0 where we cover the basic rules of the Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG’s character creation as well as some setting background.
Miskatonic University is a fictional university located in Arkham, a fictional town in Essex County, Massachusetts. It is named after the Miskatonic River (also fictional). After first appearing in H. P. Lovecraft's 1922 story "Herbert West–Reanimator", the school appeared in numerous Cthulhu Mythos stories by Lovecraft and other writers.
Our Cast:
Ichabod, our half demon.
Lupe, changeling with the devil’s luck
Karin, the sensible finder
“Put down the cell phone…”
“I’m gonna need blackmail, I need a lot of blackmail…”
“I’m clumsy but I can get through.”
“…a swirling portal.”
“I hope you got everything…”
“Ok we got this…”
Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
Tuesday Jun 04, 2019
*Adult language and Cthulhu inspired shenanigans inside*
Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG set in our Miskatonic University meet Buffy one shot game, this is where our three players make their characters!
As the episode begins, the players and some NPCs are sent to Detention on suspicion that they might know something about the theft or misplacement of an Occult book. It’s up to the players to sneak out, unravel the mystery, and hopefully stop bad things before it’s too late…
Our Players/Setting Guide is here:
Session 0 is here:
This is our session 0 where we cover the basic rules of the Fate/Dresden Files Accelerated RPG’s character creation as well as some setting background.
Miskatonic University is a fictional university located in Arkham, a fictional town in Essex County, Massachusetts. It is named after the Miskatonic River (also fictional). After first appearing in H. P. Lovecraft's 1922 story "Herbert West–Reanimator", the school appeared in numerous Cthulhu Mythos stories by Lovecraft and other writers.
Our Cast:
Ichabod, our half demon.
Lupe, changeling with the devil’s luck
Karin, the sensible finder
“There’s something…on the other side!”
“Chalk is a thing!”
“Locks have never, really stopped me.”
“YA! I got worse.”
“Aspect of: The Student Newspaper!”
“I’m going to be sneaky!” Please support our shows and listen to our session zero at and even join us in some games!
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20 for you to join?
Part Two and Three the conclusion will be posted next week

Tuesday May 07, 2019
Tuesday May 07, 2019
Our May the 4th be with you RPG One Shot game
tonight ill be posting the one shot and pre gen characters at
Star Wars Rebels: DROIDS DAY OUT!
When Imperial forces attack and capture you alliance cruiser, the group of PCs who are are rebel droids, will have to save their organic counter parts when Imperial Forces have captured and detained the ships crew!
The PC's:
L8-BR the simple but brawly labor bot - maurader
H4-M0 the skillful and dangerous Medical droid engineer scientiest
A5-TR0 the plucky Astromech droid engineer mechanic
K1-LR a KX series security droid – solder commando
E3-P0 the Captains personal protocal droid commander instructor
A Call for Help!
Your mission if you choose to accept...
"This is Captain Surti. I'm trapped in the main bridges 'fresher, and I'll be discovered any moment. Our hyperdrive has coordinates to the Rebel fleet. We cannot let that information fall into Imperial hands. You droids are our only hope!"
Captain Surti relays the following objectives to the party:
• Warn the Rebel fleet that their location is not secure (see P-Comm).
• Disable the primary communications array before the IMPs can call in reinforcements (see P-Comm).
• Issue an "abandon ship" order from S-Comm, so any free crew can at least try to escape.
• Disable the hyperspace-capable craft in both hangar bays to prevent damaging intelligence from getting into the hands of the Empire (see Forward and Aft Hangar Bays).
• Free any captured Rebel operatives and try to reclaim the ship.
The game play starts at 18 minutes, before that we briefly cover the game system and rules.
"He pulls the trigger!""Save the Fleshies""Captain!"
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Monday Dec 24, 2018
Monday Dec 24, 2018
Nyx, Vervain, Raz and Magna our raw scale drakes start adventuring and slinging that moon and shadow magic in the Epyllion RPG
What is Epyllion? This is how Magpie games describes this fun Powered by the apocalypse game:
“Epyllion is a tabletop roleplaying game (RPG) where you play dragons in a dragon-centric world. You are the sons and daughters of the Dragonlords, mighty rulers who need your help to investigate rumors, solve problems, and discover the truth of a growing evil in the land. Along with your fellow dragons, you and your clutchmates will protect Dragonia from the Darkness and discover the true value of friendship. While you play, you’ll explore what dragons do, building on what each of you adds to the story, and exploring the meaning of friendship for yourselves.
Epyllion is based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system used inApocalypse World, Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, Night Witches, and more. It’s a simple system; when a character takes an action that fits one of the system’s moves, the player will roll two six-sided dice, add in a stat, and look back to them move for a result. On a 10+, the character will find success. On a 7-9, the character will have success, but with some kind of price tag attached. On a 6 or less, the Dragon Master (DM) will say what happens next… and it probably won’t be so good for the young drake.
The Powered by the Apocalypse system gives Epyllion the strong, yet flexible base necessary to tell your very own dragon epics!”
This is the lightly edited episode 1 that was part of the first session of our game after the session 0, the first part is us going over the rules and our Dray (the plural for the dragons) a go over our character sheet and back story of their Clutch…
Our session zero is here:
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel:

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Meet Nyx, Vervain, Raz and Magna our new baby raw scale drakes in the Epyllion RPG
What is Epyllion? This is how Magpie games describes this fun Powered by the apocalypse game:
“Epyllion is a tabletop roleplaying game (RPG) where you play dragons in a dragon-centric world. You are the sons and daughters of the Dragonlords, mighty rulers who need your help to investigate rumors, solve problems, and discover the truth of a growing evil in the land. Along with your fellow dragons, you and your clutchmates will protect Dragonia from the Darkness and discover the true value of friendship. While you play, you’ll explore what dragons do, building on what each of you adds to the story, and exploring the meaning of friendship for yourselves.
Epyllion is based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system used inApocalypse World, Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, Night Witches, and more. It’s a simple system; when a character takes an action that fits one of the system’s moves, the player will roll two six-sided dice, add in a stat, and look back to them move for a result. On a 10+, the character will find success. On a 7-9, the character will have success, but with some kind of price tag attached. On a 6 or less, the Dragon Master (DM) will say what happens next… and it probably won’t be so good for the young drake.
The Powered by the Apocalypse system gives Epyllion the strong, yet flexible base necessary to tell your very own dragon epics!”
This is the lightly edited episode 1 that was part of the first session of our game after the session 0, the first part is us going over the rules and our Dray (the plural for the dragons) a go over our character sheet and back story of their Clutch…
and our session zero is here:
Episode Two will be two hours long and be up Thursday for our Patreon Patrons and Monday for everyone else!
If you enjoy our shows please check out Patron only episodes and rewards at
Also keep an eye at the new things on our Twitch channel: