Creative Play and Podcast Network
Star wars

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
I run a Edge of Empire one shot game for our friends Stacy, AJ, Eli and Ian. They haven't played it before so we spend a little time covering the basics of the rules.
Part Two of Four
"We got company...""We're the DarkStar Nebula...""We're going straight for it!""We will definately make it too the planet...""A Triumph and nothing else..."
"How do you make gernades work?"
Part One is here:
The PDF's of the charaters can be found here:
And for our Patreon Patrons you can get the PDF of the Adventure here:
#starWars #EdgeofEmpire
Follow along on Facebook at
And Twitch at

Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
I run a Edge of Empire one shot game for our friends Stacy, AJ, Eli and Ian. They haven't played it before s we spend a little time covering the basics of the rules.
Part One of Four is me walking the group through the basic rules and their character sheets
The PDF's of the charaters can be found here:
And for our Patreon Patrons you can get the PDF of the Adventure here:
#starWars #EdgeofEmpire
Follow along on Facebook at
And Twitch at

Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Shadows of the Rebellion!
Galactic center, or Coruscant as it was call in the age of the Republic, has always been a hot bed of political and economic struggle but now held tightly in the grasp of the Imperial power block those who dwell in the Shadow of the Empire must become....Shadows of the Rebellion!
After the group finished their mission they discuss what the future holds for their base! (I s need to draw more pictures of it from level 24 to 130).
Just like our Sunday night Scoundrels we'll be podcasting this game at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson mall store on Sundays, work might be making this a Biweekly game though!
“It’s about the nose.”
“I’m about to tell you too screw off.”
“You Want to become friends with Glotworm”
Join the Rebellion now!
Session Zero can be heard here:
And all the Shadows adventures at:
Please support our show at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?
Join our conversation here:
“It’s about the nose.”
“I’m about to tell you too screw off.”
“You Want to become friends with Glotworm”

Monday Dec 18, 2017
Monday Dec 18, 2017
In Honor of seeing The Last JEdi this weekend we need some Star Wars this Monday!
At Tucson Comic Con we got to sit in and hearsome awesome advise for the lady cosplayers, and good advisefor anyone in general.
Join us as we will discuss female versions of Stormtroopers, Tusken Raiders, and much, much more!
Also some of our gaming groups want to do a Star Wars Old Republic Campaigne with groups on both sides of the comflicts and some one shots on Roll20, what do you think?

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
#RPGaDAY2017 is here! Let’s share and celebrate our awesome hobby!
Lonely World By Taylor White
Lonely World is a role-playing game where you play the survivors of a global cataclysm, caused by an inhuman Invader. The world has been emptied of people, and all the trappings of civilization has gone with them. All that's left is you, a few strangers, and the ruins of everything you used to know. In Lonely World, players choose their destruction by creating an Invader that is unique to their gaming group. Do you like zombies? Martians? Robots? Vampires? Any and all of them can be Invaders, with any kind of details or customization you can imagine. Will you and your group of survivors make it another day? Or will you succumb to petty arguments, betrayals, the harsh elements, or the ever-present Invader?
Mutant: Year Zero takes you to the world after the great Apocalypse. Humanitys proud civilization has fallen. The cities are dead wastelands, winds sweeping along empty streets turned into graveyards. But life remains. Among the ruins, the People live. You are the heirs of humanity but not quite human anymore. Your bodies and minds are capable of superhuman feats. You are mutants. The Mutant RPG franchise has three decades of rich history in Sweden, with the first edition released in 1984. This is the game that later developed into Mutant Chronicles to widespread acclaim. Now, for the first time, a version of the original, post-apocalyptic shade of Mutant is released to an international audience.
See more at
Our other podcast
And please listen and support us at
Wild Skies Europa Tempest on DriveThruRPG:

Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Tuesday Aug 01, 2017
Shadows of the Rebellion! Galactic center, or Coruscant as it was call in the age of the Republic, has always been a hot bed of of political and economic struggle but now held tightly in the grasp of the Imperial power block those who dwell in the Shadow of the Empire must become....Shadows of the Rebellion!
Just like our Sunday night Scoundrels we'll be podcasting this game at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson mall store on Sundays, work might be making this a Biweekly game though!
“Looking for the ladies!”
Join the Rebellion now!
Session Zero can be heard here:
Please support our show at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?
Join our conversation here:

Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Tuesday Jul 18, 2017
Join us as we play Fantasy Flights Edge of Empire - Star Wars
Join our Crew as they Take off for some work on a Shadow Port that their new black Sun ‘Contact’ has given them.
"If you split up you can kill twice as many!"
"Keep the rodent safe..."
"Like none of YOU DO..."
"...Don' die!"
"I wanna go first, I wanna use Charm!"
"...The Death Hanger"
Please support our show at
Would you be interested if we hosted D&D and Edge of Empire games on Roll20?
Join our conversation here:

Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Shadows of the Rebellion! Galactic center, or Coruscant as it was call in the age of the Republic, has always been a hot bed of of political and economic struggle but now held tightly in the grasp of the Imperial power block those who dwell in the Shadow of the Empire must become....Shadows of the Rebellion! Just like our Sunday night Scoundrels we'll be podcasting this game at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson mall store on Sundays, work might be making this a Biweekly game though!
Theres no episode up yet but wanted to let you know to keep an eye on our Patreon page for polls and updates

Sunday May 14, 2017
Sunday May 14, 2017
Join us as we play Fantasy Flights Edge of Empire - Star Wars The Scoundrels are really starting to gear up after our second session (unrecorded but well be drop lots of what happened during the game) Lady Satori continues using the crew of the Disruptor!Join our Crew as they Take off for some work on a Shadow Port that their new black Sun ‘Contact’ has given them.
-The real gaming starts at the 12 minute mark.
‘Don’t touch my gun’
“We’re delivering groceries?”
“Do you guys know what a gravity well is?”
“I succeeded”
“Are these the purple dice your looking for?”
“You had you chance…”
“….this guys trying to play games with us…”
“This is why gun are DEADLY!”
Please support our show at

Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Join us as we play Fantasy Flights Edge of Empire - Star Wars The Scoundrels are really starting to gear up after our second session (unrecorded but well be drop lots of what happened during the game)Lady Satori continues using the crew of the Disruptor!Following information the group gathered the fly off to save the "Womprats Shadow"....Ovasu Salwa -- Twi'lek Smuggler Pilot.Barck Varjin -- The Hired Gun Merc that's sensitive in the Force.Vashnak Truc -- Nautolan Bounty Hunter Assassin.Grendu Koskit’Sil – the Bothan Slicer.This is our new Weekly On e shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store!
"...We know of your betrayal...""Triumph!""I was so excited I swallowed wrong""I AM WOUNDED!...""Everything is broken...""It's a complete wash""Seriously I had two successes!""negotiate with Lady Satori"
I hope you all have as much fun listening to us as we had playing!