Creative Play and Podcast Network
Star wars

Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Tuesday Apr 25, 2017
Our Force and Destiny game set in the Clone wars era!
Join us as the Astromech John Tomes, and the Younglings: Balin (Dan), Yalka'von (JJ), Darla (Duncan), and Ted'Na-ugent (Chris) head off into the pirate ship and save their captured Adults!
"You can make an Aim maneuver twice"
"Blowing you both up!"
"If people would write in Common"
"Their cutting us to ribbons"
"Wooah, and were moaning?"
"Don't do it Dan he's a Bitc....!"
"Despair is just Story!"
"Tommy's Back!"
"And that's why I ran to the grown ups!"
"The Story must be told!"
Help support the show at Support the Kickstarter and geta cool Tshirt!

Sunday Apr 09, 2017
Sunday Apr 09, 2017
Join us as we play Fantasy Flights Edge of Empire - Star Wars
The Scoundrels are really starting to gear up after our second session (unrecorded but well be drop lots of what happened during the game)
Lady Satori continues using the crew of the Disruptor!
Following information the group gathered the fly off to save the "Womprats Shadow"....
Ovasu Salwa -- Twi'lek Smuggler Pilot.Barck Varjin -- The Hired Gun Merc thats sensitve in the Force.Vashnak Truc -- Nautolan Bounty Hunter Assassin.Grendu Koskit’Sil – the Bothan Slicer.
This is our new Weekly On e shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store!
"Your done with your shenanigans"
"If he starts his engines he’ll blow up."
'I'm going to use the force..."

Monday Apr 03, 2017
Monday Apr 03, 2017
The Scoundrels are really starting to gear up after our second session (unrecorded but well be drop lots of what happened during the game)
Lady Satori continues using the crew of the Disruptor!
Following information the group gathered the fly off to save the "Womprats Shadow"....
Ovasu Salwa -- Twi'lek Smuggler Pilot.Barck Varjin -- The Hired Gun Merc thats sensitve in the Force.Vashnak Truc -- Nautolan Bounty Hunter Assassin.Grendu Koskit’Sil – the Bothan Slicer.
This is our new Weekly On e shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store! Go to the Patreon polls for what the group will be doing in future sessions!
We actully get rolling at the 20 minute mark
"Where we're goingwe dontneed money""...Data purge gernades...""I have a list...""Trigger finger off the trigger dude!""Oh! Triumph!"

Monday Mar 20, 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
A Bothan Splicer, A reprogrammed B-1 battle droid and a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter walked into a game store... Ok so it was the Toydarion markets on the Smugglers moon!
Part Two and Three will be up as soon as there edited tonight!
This is our new Weekly One shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store!
Our Poll for the next episodes

Monday Mar 20, 2017
Monday Mar 20, 2017
A Bothan Splicer, A reprogrammed B-1 battle droid and a Twi'lek Bounty Hunter walked into a game store... Ok so it was the Toydarion markets on the Smugglers moon!
Part Two and Three will be up as soon as there edited tonight!
This is our new Weekly One shot Edge of Empire games over at Tucson Games and Gadgets Tucson Mall store!
Our Poll for the next episodes

Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
We actually get rolling at the 8 minute mark if you want to pass the chit chat getting their padawans ready.
Join us as the Astromech John Tomes, and the Younglings: Balin (Dan), Yalka'von (JJ), Darla (Duncan), and Ted'Na-ugent (Chris) head off into the pirate ship and save the crew, after disaster stuck in the pirates trap.
"Your three that you drop your lightsaber!""Fail, but three advantage!"
Help support the show at

Monday Feb 06, 2017
Monday Feb 06, 2017
Join Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (a new guy! Danza Dark) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiny, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
After taking the padawans to get light saber crystals the group are heading back as they receive a distress call…

Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Tuesday Sep 06, 2016
Join Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr. Fuchsia...), Duncan (a new guy! Danza Dark) Chris (the mysterious "Mr. Pink!". The Gunslinger Tom Jones) and I as . As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiny, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Please check out our Season 3 Indigogo:

Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Tuesday Aug 16, 2016
Up coming Tucson Events: Bookmans Post Apocalyptic fair September 17th!
Learn these terms:
Post apocalyptic
apocalyptic fiction
A boy and his dog
Mad Max
Damnation Ally
End of Days
Wasteland Weekend
Tucson Steampunk Society
Constant Con

Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Thursday Aug 04, 2016
Our Best game session since August 2015, what was yours?
#RPGaDAY 2016