Creative Play and Podcast Network

The Creative Play and Podcast Network is a Real play podcast and Blog group of people who enjoy Cosplay, RPG’s, Console Games, PC Games, CCG’s and MMO’s

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Monday Jan 25, 2016

Are you ready to Watch OVERWATCH!

Wednesday Jan 20, 2016

Wednesday Jan 20, 2016

Join us tomorrow to see OVERWATCH! Filmed entirely in Tucson using only local artists and Directed by our friends Christopher Carter and Jessica Morgan, Overwatch stars Taylor Plecity in a post-apocalyptic thriller where a virus has turned billions into blood-thirsty infected that prey on the living. A small group of survivors, having lost everything, band together as they try to navigate the morality of this new world while struggling to find reasons to keep fighting for their own lives...(Dir. by Christopher Carter and Jessica Morgan, 2015, USA, 105 mins., Rated R )

Monday Jan 18, 2016

Hey Guys, 
I got to have agood interview with Debra Parizek and her newest project the Eververse RPG! Please check out the linksbelow for more great content!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016

2 GM's and a player review 'How to Game Master lie a fucking Boss!
A Solid 16 on the D20 scale!
Click the cover to see it on Amazon!

Tuesday Jan 12, 2016

Kickstarters that we want to see happen: Roleplaying Spell Effects & Ultimate NPCs: Skulduggery for 5e, Pathfinder and S&W!Roleplaying Spell Effects by Arcknight Semi-Transparent spell graphics printed on clear plastic to create fantastic overlays for Tabletop Roleplaying Games. NPCs: Skulduggery for 5e, Pathfinder and S&W! by Nord Games us know if you enjoy this type of episode or heck, if theirs any kickstarter you think is cool and want to share!

Monday Jan 11, 2016

Join Me and Dan (Human Jedi Counselor Danvoss), JJ (a Togruda Jedi Seeker, Mr Fuchsia...), Duncan (The Chadra fan Gunner Erdek Todek) and the mysterious "Mr. Pink!"(The Gunslinger Tom Jones). As we gear up for our forth session of Fantasy Flights Force and Destiney, Edge of Empire and Age of Rebellion set during the Clone wars!
Sorry about the Rough Audio, Tucson Games and Gadgets was having a super busy night and we bunked up with some of the great tucson Infinity guys!
This Podcast runs every other Monday opposite of Edge of Empire: Scum and Villainy!

Sunday Jan 10, 2016

*NSFW* This episode brought to you by Black Heart rum!
We talk of Clevage, Rum and Orcus as we get back to Fortune and Glory while the clock ticks to midnight!
Very lightly edited and extreme Language! *Caution Star wars TFA Spoilers* *Titter warning at the 52 minute mark!*
New Years Eve....
and Fortune and Glory!
This is the adorable Cake:

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016

*NSFW* This episode brought to you by Black Heart rum!
Very lightly edited and extreme Language! *Caution Star wars TFA Spoilers*
New Years Eve....
and Fortune and Glory!

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016

We have a Guests from far away and long ago, Join me in meeting Madame Askew and the Chemis-Tea girls!Here are some helpful links:

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016

Edge of Empire: Scum and Villainy- Chapter Eleven: We Want to guard somebody!
Thank you to our supporters at
Join Gary (Nirr Crystal, a Chiss Gunslinger) , Zander (Puggeta the Hutt, a Hutt Hired Gun),Kellie (Ovasu Salva, the Twi'lek Smuggler) and Kerrie (Ree, the Sakiyan Mercenary) as we continue our Edge of Empire campaign in a galaxy far far away....
The Group spend there Pay out for dropping off the 'Cargo' and get a new Job!
We have a wrap up for episode 10  where I let the group pick what Job there looking to take and Gary Goes Gunslinger with a prop.
In the second part we have a Guest PC and after the closing we rant about Tv/Movie show deaths, so beware the Firefly, GOT and Watchman spoilers.
'Probably shouldn't point that at your face!'

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