Creative Play and Podcast Network

The Creative Play and Podcast Network is a Real play podcast and Blog group of people who enjoy Cosplay, RPG’s, Console Games, PC Games, CCG’s and MMO’s

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Thursday Oct 08, 2015 and I Got to sit down and try a new unpublished game ate Rincon this year: Villains & Henchmen! We have a really fun time as the Assassin and Cyborg along with the rest of the team trying to smash down force fields and kick in doors in order to bust out our Boss!Here what Ben has to say about his great new product plus some great behind the scenes things about self publishing.  

Wednesday Oct 07, 2015

We got to sit down At Rincon and play in the Texas Hold'Em with Zombies Tournament at Rincon and Oh Boy we had a blast! And a few zombies got shot in the head! Kellie took home the Tournament and the nickname 'The Full House Bandito!' after pulling 3 Full houses that night and the rare Bandito bear item card who cleaned us out of a lot of chips! game is a lot of fun and the Guys behind Survival Games are a fantastic group of fun and energetic guys who love what they do and it shows!Wecan't wait to get to hang out again at Tucson ComiCon and Wild wild West Con! 

Tuesday Oct 06, 2015

We wanted to share the great folks we met at Rincon tis year! Kellie found some lovely Jewelry from Twists and Turns and the wonderful Artist Kallie Sweeny who owns the company. Please look them up on Facebook at:

Monday Sep 14, 2015

We are playing Edge of Empire! 
Join Gary (Nirr Crystal, a Chiss Gunslinger) , Zander (Puggeta the Hutt, a Hutt Hired Gun),Kellie (Ovasu Salva, the Twi'lek Smuggler) and Kerrie (Ree, the Sakiyan Mercenary) as we continue our Edge of Empire campaign in a galaxy far far away....
We spend some Experience after wrapping up the last story and head off into the next adventure!
'And the ship blows up!'
'Basically we are a glorified bus!'
'Turns her nose up in disgust!'
'You must embark on this vessel.'
'Who's bed is she in?'

Monday Aug 31, 2015

We are playing Edge of Empire! 
Join Gary (Nirr Crystal, a Chiss Gunslinger) , Zander (Puggeta the Hutt, a Hutt Hired Gun),Kellie (Ovasu Salva, the Twi'lek Smuggler) and Kerrie (Ree, the Sakiyan Mercenary) as we continue our Edge of Empire campaign in a galaxy far far away....
Back to Kwynn Station!

Monday Aug 31, 2015

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