
Friday Apr 24, 2015
Friday Apr 24, 2015
Creative Play and Podcast Network is proud to present our newest interview with Avonelle, from Double Exposure giving us an inside scoop on Double Exposure's RPG Envoy Program. http://www.dexposure.com/envoy/
Thanks' again Avonelle!

Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Tuesday Apr 07, 2015
Our after action report from the Arizona Renaissance festival on the road home, it was a blast! check out the article I wrote on the CPPN website, it has video of our shenanigans!Sorry the Arizona state highway was so noisy http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/the-last-weekend-of-the-arizona-renaissance-festival/

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Cards against Humanity!
We're not bad peple the cards are!
I entroduced the group to cards againts humanity. Beware this is NC-17+

Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Tuesday Mar 17, 2015
Wild Wild west con 4 Panel: How to be an Airship Captain
Here's a recording I took of Michael Ford from Airship Isabella with great points and tips for any Cosplay groups out there!

Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Thursday Mar 12, 2015
Wild Wild west con Panel: To Die in the West
An intro to gunfights
Here's a recording I took of my good friend David Grasse at this years wild wild west con. David did a great job on this writers panel about gunfights and gunfighters of the old west. Just a heads up this is a little graphic and discusses real life gunfights and assassinations.
David's Book can be found HERE

Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Here's a great call ininterview I had with Ben Woerner Author and masterful GM f World of Dew.
Ben Woerner, by day, isa mild-mannered husband, father, and advertising and marketing manager for hisfamily’s business.
By night he’s a gamedesigner. Having run games for over a quarter century he finally began todesign them. He has written a short piece in John Wick’s, Blood and Honor andwrote, "The Catthulhu Code," for Joel Spark's recent successfulKickstarter Call of Catthulhu. He's helped in game design for a number of JohnWick Presents games and playtested more games than he can count. He's anoriginal member of the Indie Game Developer Network (IGDN).
(Provided from Kickstarter Bio)
Here's our earlierreview of this game:

Monday Feb 09, 2015
Monday Feb 09, 2015
I just had a chance to sit down with two great guys Dan and Jon from Late Knight Games to share with us thier new game MajiMonsters!
Check out the great conversation!
;) the original character sheets were a 3" binder, thats funny since characters are called 'Binders'

Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sunday Feb 01, 2015
Sith of the Old Republic part Three and Four: into the drakness...
We are playing Force and Destiny but set in the Old Republic cold War Era!
the groups asked to play as members of the Sith Empire, join Gary ( Lord Thrain) , Zander (Lord Maliki Shepard), Kerrie (Lord Trizara) and Kellie (Lt. Tavis Locke) and I as we Delve further into the Dark side and let the revolting Slaves know how Sith deal with rebels...
I Think the groups really like the game system, Email us what you querstions and comments:
http://creativeplayandpodcastnetwork.com/'All about the space bout the space, love tribbles..'
'Come forth creature!'
'I'm not hearing an answer!'
'he throws our the naem Karza'va, "I Turn on my light saber in him.'
'Whats the Sith-position..'
'May the fourth be with you!'
'Jabba da' Fudd'
Mind the abrupt stop of part Four we hade to end abruptly.

Saturday Jan 31, 2015
Saturday Jan 31, 2015
I get to sit down with a few of my Steampunk friends John and Sabrina Floyd, AKA Gentleman Robot & Lady Pepper.
We talk about events and things coming up while we were together at Tucson Games and Gadgets Steampunk game day!
Gentleman Robot
The Foundry
Wild Wild West Com
Phoenix Comicon

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Sith of the Old Republic part Two:
And a Sithty new year!
Well be playing Force and Destiny but set in the Old Republic cold War Era!
the groups asked to play as members of the Sith Empire, join Gary ( Lord Thrain) , zander (Lord Maliki Shepard), Kerrie (Lord Trizara) and Kellie (Lt. Tavis Locke) and I as we Delve further into the Dark side and let the revolting Slaves know how Sith deal with rebels...
Please excuse our breaks for power/rule checks as this is our first time with these characters.
I Think the group really like the game system, Email us what you think.
"And I believe by now the rebels are sacking it!"
"and land like super quiet."
"Lets Kill them"
"I activate as i do it so it activates in him!"